Welcome to Oliver's Candies

Open 9am-9pm, Seven Days a Week - Closed Christmas Day & Easter Day

Our History

Oliver’s Candies was established in 1932 by Joseph Boyd Oliver. Mr. Oliver blanched peanuts in his home, then went out to stores and gas stations to sell his product. After experimenting with formulas, homemade recipes, long hours and hard work, he developed such now-famous products as Cashew Glaze and Hostess Squares.

Joseph Oliver and his wife, Edna, sold the business in 1960 with the stipulation that they keep the same quality of chocolate and candies that Oliver’s was known for. Over the years, innovations were added and the wooden framed house was remodeled as a chalet.

Currently owned by the Quincey family, the long tradition of quality and excellence continues.

Oliver’s uses original family proven recipes, the very best ingredients, including real butter, cream, honey and other natural products. This, along with the skilled experience of the master candy maker, is a guarantee of continued success. Oliver’s top seven employees have over 220 years accumulative service of loyalty and adherence to quality and customer service.

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